
Showing posts from November, 2018

UI Grid System for Creating Walls of Cube Objects

Our team wanted to created a tool that could generate walls made of blocks for our “Hole in the Wall” style game. As a health game, we also wanted to have an in game system that a therapist could use to create their own wall objects as well. To satisfy these requests I decided to create a simple UI grid made of images that would tie into a wall generator object in Unity. Using Unity 2018, I was able to use UI Image prefab objects. The height and width of the wall can be determined in “number of objects”. This will also be reflected in the UI grid object. The user can then click grid elements to either turn them on or off, which will also correspond with a color (white or black). Then when the user clicks the “create wall” button, a wall will be created of 3d objects directly reflecting the UI grid. The wall will have objects where the grid elements are on, and it will just have nothing (a hole) where elements are off. Another feature was added to this tool to help the artists make...

Poses & UI

This past week I redid more poses for our wall-building script and did a UI mock up using Tasha’s branding assets, among a few other minor tasks.

Pose Cutouts

This weekend I mainly focused on fleshing out some world ideas on paper and creating a few assets. Mainly, the first set of pose cutouts based off our game design document. In the next week we plan to, hopefully, have the full game up and running, which will require at least one more set of cutouts and a number of cohesively themed assists to fill the environment.

Reskinned Website, and Render Textures in Unity

At the beginning of this week I was still working on the website and fixing a couple issues. I also changed a lot of the styling on the website so it fits with our brand better. Now it's more orange, with a warmer color palette. Later this week, in Unity I created a script that uses the Render Texture on a camera that looks at a custom UnlitRenderTexture layermask and saves a PNG of where the player is overlapping with the wall. The reason I use a layermask is so that the player doesn't see this layer, as well as making sure this second camera only renders out the player and the wall cutout. As you can see in this image, when the player is overlapping with the red walls it is purple. Where-ever it is purple will tell us what percentage of the player is overlapping with the wall cut-out. It is our plan to be able to show an image like this, along with that percentage to therapists and patients so they can see how well they did.