UI Grid System for Creating Walls of Cube Objects
Our team wanted to created a tool that could generate walls made of blocks for our “Hole in the Wall” style game. As a health game, we also wanted to have an in game system that a therapist could use to create their own wall objects as well. To satisfy these requests I decided to create a simple UI grid made of images that would tie into a wall generator object in Unity. Using Unity 2018, I was able to use UI Image prefab objects. The height and width of the wall can be determined in “number of objects”. This will also be reflected in the UI grid object. The user can then click grid elements to either turn them on or off, which will also correspond with a color (white or black). Then when the user clicks the “create wall” button, a wall will be created of 3d objects directly reflecting the UI grid. The wall will have objects where the grid elements are on, and it will just have nothing (a hole) where elements are off. Another feature was added to this tool to help the artists make...